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Quiz: Bitcoin Fundamentals

Quiz Instructions:

  • Each question is followed by multiple-choice answers (A, B, C, D, and sometimes E).
  • Carefully read each question and all answer options before selecting the best answer.
  • Choose the option that most accurately aligns with the key concepts or information provided.

Question 1: Who introduced Bitcoin in 2008?

Question 2: What primary problem does Bitcoin's blockchain aim to solve in digital transactions?

Question 3: Which consensus mechanism does Bitcoin utilize?

Question 4: What is the maximum supply of Bitcoin that can ever exist?

Question 5: In Bitcoin transactions, what is the purpose of the 'blockchain'?

Question 6: What is a 'satoshi' in the context of Bitcoin?

Question 7: How often is a new block added to the Bitcoin blockchain, on average?

Question 8: What is 'mining' in the context of Bitcoin?

Question 9: Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Bitcoin?

Question 10: What does 'peer-to-peer' mean in the context of Bitcoin transactions?

Question 11: What is the primary purpose of Bitcoin's Proof of Work mechanism?

Question 12: In Bitcoin terminology, what is a 'node'?