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Quiz: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

Quiz Instructions:

  • Each question is followed by multiple-choice answers (A, B, C, D, and sometimes E).
  • Carefully read each question and all answer options before selecting the best answer.
  • Choose the option that most accurately aligns with the key concepts or information provided.

Question 1: What is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)?

Question 2: Which of the following is a key characteristic of a DAO?

Question 3: How are decisions typically made within a DAO?

Question 4: What role do smart contracts play in a DAO?

Question 5: What was "The DAO" launched in 2016?

Question 6: Which DAO introduced the concept of "rage quitting"?

Question 7: What is "rage quitting" in the context of DAOs?

Question 8: What is the primary function of governance tokens in a DAO?

Question 9: How are funds typically managed within a DAO?

Question 10: What is a potential legal challenge faced by DAOs?

Question 11: Which U.S. state was the first to recognize DAOs as legal entities?

Question 12: What is a common governance model used by DAOs?

Question 13: What is quorum in the context of DAO governance?

Question 14: How does quadratic voting differ from traditional voting in DAOs?

Question 15: Which of the following platforms is commonly used to create and manage DAOs?