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Quiz: Version Control with Git

Quiz Instructions:

  • Each question is followed by multiple-choice answers (A, B, C, D, and sometimes E).
  • Carefully read each question and all answer options before selecting the best answer.
  • Choose the option that most accurately aligns with the key concepts or information provided.

Question 1: What is the primary purpose of a version control system (VCS)?

Question 2: Which command initializes a Git repository in a project directory?

Question 3: Why is Git considered a distributed version control system?

Question 4: You accidentally introduced a bug in your code. How can version control help you resolve it?

Question 5: What is the purpose of the git log command?

Question 6: What is the primary benefit of using branches in Git?

Question 7: Which command creates and switches to a new branch named feature-login?

Question 8: What is a merge conflict in Git, and how is it resolved?

Question 9: Which Git command stages all changes in your working directory for the next commit?

Question 10: What does the git commit -m "message" command do?

Question 11: How does Git improve accountability in collaborative projects?

Question 12: Which command fetches updates from the remote repository without merging them?

Question 13: True or False: The difference between git pull and git fetch is git fetch downloads updates without merging, while git pull downloads and merges changes?

Question 14: What is the advantage of using Git with GitHub?

Question 15: What does git revert do?

Question 16: Which Git command pushes changes from your local branch to the remote repository?

Question 17: What is the role of a .gitignore file?

Question 18: Why is version control essential in collaborative development?